Folding in Brasil

During the first stage of the NASCAR BRASIL 2024 season, two races were held at Campo Grande. Leo Reis (1502) won the first race of the season. The driving team of Gabriel Casagrande / Alex Seid (1660) won the second main event.

Current ELO Driver ratings of NASCAR BRASIL

  1. Gabriel Casagrande / Alex Seid 1660
  2. Vitor Genz 1657
  3. Rafa Dias / Leo Torres 1634
  4. Lourenco Beirao / Jeff Giassi 1601
  5. Lucas Mendes / Sergio Ramalho 1588
  6. Nick Monteiro 1548
  7. Cayan Chianca 1544
  8. Jeff Giassi 1540
  9. Gui Backes 1528
  10. Luis Trombini 1520
  11. Gabryel Romano 1516
  12. Leo Reis 1502
  13. Antonio Junqueira 1491
  14. Giovani Girotto 1483
  15. Edsen Reis 1468
  16. Luan Lopes / Beto Monteiro 1458
  17. Jorge Martelli 1438
  18. Alexandre Kaue / Brendon Zonta 1433
  19. Edson Reis 1428
  20. Felipe Tozzo 1427
  21. MC Gui 1423
  22. Victor Andrade 1420
  23. Leo Yoshii 1417
  24. Witold Ramasuaskas 1383
  25. Dorivaldo Gondra 1379

The presence of driving teams in Brazil put a wrinkle in the ratings calculations. At Cielo World, the driving teams will be treated as a single entity. Team drivers will not be rated individually unless they compete without a teammate. Four of the top-rated NASCAR Brasil ELO ratings are comprised of teams.

The USA-centric view would recognize the thirty-five-year-old Brazilian, Vitor Genz (1657), as the best driver on the circuit due to his ability, skill, and stamina to complete these races without a partner. Assigning that status to any driver rated with only two races is premature.

(sps – 2024-03-19)